The life of the Parish begins with its worship. Christian worship means giving to God the honor of which he is worthy. Worship does not just happen. Worship is an art, the bringing together of gifts and service whereby the people of God acknowledge the sovereignty of God with their praise, prayers and thanksgiving.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild assists the clergy in making ready the altar and chancel area for the celebration of Holy Communion and other sacraments and offices of the church.
Greeters extend a hand of welcome and friendship. They are present before and after service to answer questions or give direction.
Acolytes assist in the service with such things as lighting/extinguishing the candles, ringing the bell and carrying the processional cross.
Lay Readers
Lay Readers lead the congregation in the reciting of the Psalms and read the lessons appointed for the service.
Deacons lead the people in worship, help prepare the table and administer the cup.
Organists and singers serve the liturgical and musical needs of the Parish with inspirational music, canticles and anthems.
Last is not least. The worshipper is not an observer but shares actively in the liturgy through action, word and song. Children of all ages are welcome in our services at all times and are encouraged to participate to the fullest extent they are able. A parent room in conveniently located just off the Narthex.